14 May 2019, Blog

The MRRCP countdown is on. What you need for your compliance plan.


Are you ready? The first of several compliance milestones associated with the Alberta Energy Regulator’s Directive 60 is upon us. By June 1, operators must have a Methane Reduction Retrofit Compliance Plan (MRRCP) in place.

The purpose of this milestone is to ensure that operators have a detailed, executable plan in place to achieve the compliance obligations laid out in section 8.6 of Directive 60. This section of the directive pertains to vent gas limits for pneumatic devices, compressor seals and glycol dehydrators.

Because equipment retrofit and/or replacements require advance planning and investment, the AER requires that producers prepare an actionable plan that illustrates the following:

  • What: Identify the planned field retrofits your company will undertake in order to comply with section 8.6 of Directive 60.

  • When: A detailed timeline for completion of identified retrofits needs to be included in the MRRCP.

  • How: The plan must detail the resources and the budget your company will allocate to ensure compliance with the methane reduction requirements in section 8.6.

  • Who: The plan must be approved in writing by a company executive. He or she must attest that the MRRCP is designed to ensure compliance with the requirements in section 8.6. This document is to be owned and maintained by the duty holder as well as updated annually for auditing purposes.

Looking for help navigating Directive 60? SIMARK can help. Download the infographic below and find out how.

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